Password Validation using ReactJs | ReactJS Project download

Published At: 1 year ago
Published By: Santosh Kumar
Downloads: 3
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react js nodejs mongodb

This React.js project is designed to provide password validation functionality for users. It allows users to create a password while ensuring it meets certain security requirements. The project also confirms whether the entered password matches the confirmation password.

1. Features of the project:

  1. At least one uppercase letter.

  2. At least one lowercase letter.
  3. At least one digit.

  4. At least one special character (e.g., !, @, $, &, *, or ?).

  5. Minimum length of 8 characters.

  6. Users need to confirm their password by entering it a second time.

  7. Users can click the "Submit" button to submit their data.

2. Steps to run the project:

a) Download the project:

1. First download the project zip file and extract it on your computer.

b) Installation process:

  1.  Install node js if you haven’t installed it.

  2. Go to the project root folder in your terminal.

  3. Install react dependencies by using the command: npm install

c) Run the project:

Now run the react project by using the command npm start