File download API using NodeJs | ExpressJs | MongoDB | API Development

Published At: 1 year ago
Published By: Santosh Kumar
Downloads: 4
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Expressjs nodejs mongodb

1. Key features of the project:

1. Upload the file into the database as well as the folder.

2. Download the uploaded file from the database.

3. Using Middleware to upload files.

4. Used Route, controller, and model.

2. Steps to set up the project:

a) Download the project:

1. First download the project zip file and extract it on your computer.

b) Installation process:

1. Install node js if you haven’t installed it.

2. Open your terminal with your project root directory and run the command: npm install

c) MongoDB Database setup :

1. log in to the MongoDB database and create a new cluster and database or Mongodb compass string.

2. Change the MongoDB string in the index.js file (MONGOURL) with your database, username, and password.

d) Run the server :

1. Run the server by using the command: npm start